Gaining speed (instead of losing speed) when you play, is no longer a dream for hockey players but an achievable possibility for those who train at Easyskating!®

Easyskating® - Camp Sweden 2013 Camp 2013More info.

Easyskating!® Everybody can benefit from it! Whether you are a player, coach or referee. Your club can become better with the help of Easyskating's ® techniques:
  • Excercises on ice
  • Courses for Trainers
  • Theory
  • Videoanalysis
  • Individual coaching
  • Excercise database
  • On call advice
Powerskating might be known to many, but an even smarter way to improve your skating technique is Easyskating ®. Easyskating ® is based on the fundamental laws of physics. A good knowledge of mathematics and physics is therefore required by the trainer who teaches it.

Nina Icecoach (or Nina as she is called both in private and around the rink) has had her schooling within figureskating where iceskating reaches perfection. She has also played bandy on ice, competed in speed-skating and of course played some ice-hockey. 
Where? Icecoach accepts projects all over Sweden, but has also helped teams outside of Sweden. In the future she would like to get a chance to work abroad. Nina lives in Malmö in the south of Sweden.

When?  Nina has, despite her young age, 11 years of experience! She coached the previously Swedish major-league team VIK the year they won the Swedish series. Nina is involved in many recurring arrangements and plenty of happy customers. As she says to herself she reaches new clubs mostly by the "mouth to mouth" method!
She accepts assignments continusly throughout the year. Early bookings are recommended.

Icecoach offers group exercises and participates actively on the ice. Theory is offered adjusted for the particular level of the players and also give thema clearer view of what the exercises on the ice is about. Individual coaching of specially motivated players is given.